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Restore Biblical Counseling Center

Restore exists to promote personal growth through compassionate, helpful counsel addressing real-life issues. We know that life is full of ups and downs and twists and turns. In those unexpected moments, we all look for someone or something dependable that we can lean on. The counseling staff at Restore is specifically prepared to show you how the Bible has answers to life’s questions. God’s Word is known to give wisdom to the searching soul and renewal to the weary heart. In all cases, we use the Bible, God’s Sufficient Word, to answer the problems of life.
We know that asking for help can be difficult. You can be assured that you are not alone. Everyone needs help at different times. Our lives don’t come with a customized user manual, so we shouldn’t be surprised when we need a little guidance or a fresh perspective. The encouragement and direction offered by Restore will help you see your situation with clarity and organize your actions with certainty.
Our staff desires to serve you. We offer our counseling services free of charge as a service to our community. Occasionally, we may ask you to purchase resources which will be part of your counseling homework. We try to minimize the cost of counseling and allow you to select your own source for these resources. We also have a library with some of these resources available.

Call today to get started: 607-354-1099 or complete the form below.

Thank you for contacting us. We'll get back to you soon. If you have any questions, feel free to call 607-354-1099.

13 Harpending Ave.

Dundee, NY  14837

Restore Biblical
Counseling Center:


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